Give this stray Cows to a happy life
Give this stray Cows to a  happy life
Presently Huge number of destitute cows are living a happy and peaceful life. We not only give these cows a second home but also a second chance of happy life.

These cows are docile who do not harm anyone at all. So, we cannot leave these cows to meet a fatal end. Such cows are brought to our Gomata from horrible time in which some are disabled or deeply injured even fighting for their life. All these cows are fed, sheltered, and looked after. Hundreds of Gomata work round the clock to look after them. These Gomata are fed with a mixture of fodder that includes wheat, mustard cake, green grass, bhusa (husk) and jaggery. They are given plenty of water and have acres of land to move around. Moreover, we offer vital medication to address the health needs of these vulnerable beings, particularly the elderly and destitute Gomata that we rescue from critical conditions We have a team of expert doctors who look after these cows and administer them quality medicines.


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"The human society should recognize the importance of the cow and the bull and thus give all protection to these important animals." - Srila Prabhupada